1. 16 Duelist Tournament.
2. Matches best 2 of 3, Single Elimination.
3. TCG Only.
4. The following decks won't be allowed: Burn, Stall, Mill, FirstTurnKill (i.e Exodia, Final countdown .. etc)
5. Dueling system is DN :
6. the tournament will take 14 day only, unfinished matches duering each round will lead to DQ for the inactive party.
1st Place: Upgrade to next dorm + 1500 DP
2nd Place: 1000 DP + Upgrade to next dorm.
3nd Place: 700 DP
1. KingMP94
2. SkylaX
3. Ruby / RubyForVigor
4. Bettrayer
5. Nova25
6. BlackLeg-Sanji
7. Silver _Duelist
9. Placido
10. kohiju
11. pockienam
12. joavn turner
13. robyschlager
14. Primy
15. ZantTruesdale
16. Newmoon
17. RedWurm
18. Puple96
Round 1:
KingMP94 vs. Ruby
SkylaX vs. Newmoon
Jocan turner vs. Placido
Bettrayer vs. Primy
Puple96 vs. RedWurm
ZantTrusdale vs. Silver_Duelist
BlackLeg-Sanji vs. kohiju
Nova25 vs. pockienam
robyschlager to R2 already since he has no opponent.
Round 2:
robyschlager vs.Nova25
Bettrayer vs. KingMP94
Silver_Duelist vs. Kohiju
New Moon vs. Placido
Semi Finals:
KingMP94 vs. Kohuji
robyschlager vs. Placido
KingMP94 vs. Ruby
SkylaX vs. Newmoon
Jocan turner vs. Placido
Bettrayer vs. Primy
Puple96 vs. RedWurm
ZantTrusdale vs. Silver_Duelist
BlackLeg-Sanji vs. kohiju
Nova25 vs. pockienam
robyschlager to R2 already since he has no opponent.
Round 2:
robyschlager vs.
Semi Finals:
KingMP94 vs. Kohuji
robyschlager vs. Placido
Last edited by Anzo on Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:49 pm; edited 8 times in total