[TCG] [DOCS] Cards Checklist 11207298_912025682167886_6227104576215840281_n

NOT CONFIRMED AT 100%, but the TCG and OCG Cards should be as following:

TCG World Premier Cards:

DOCS-EN000 Samurai Cavalry of Reptier
DOCS-EN081 Trap Card
DOCS-EN082 Kozmo Effect Monster
DOCS-EN083 Kozmoll Wickedwitch
DOCS-EN084 Kozmo Effect Monster
DOCS-EN085 Kozmo Effect Monster
DOCS-EN086 Kozmo Lightsword
DOCS-EN087 Kaiju Effect Monster
DOCS-EN088 Kaiju Effect Monster
DOCS-EN089 Kaiju Trap Card

OCG Imports:

DOCS-EN090 D/D/D Caesar the Wave Overlord*
DOCS-EN091 D/D Magical Astronomer Galilei*
DOCS-EN092 D/D Magical Astronomer Kepler*
DOCS-EN093 Covenant with the Hellgate*
DOCS-EN094 Covenant with the Swamp King*
DOCS-EN095 Covenant with the Valkyrie*
DOCS-EN096 Lease Laundering*
DOCS-EN097 D/D/D Human Resources*
DOCS-EN098 D/D/D – Rebellious King Leonidas*
DOCS-EN099 D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok*

* TCG Names are different

Source: SilverCards