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descriptionHow to make an effective deck? EmptyHow to make an effective deck?

Most of the decks I've made are complete crap, and I can't even build decks from archetypes successfully. So I was wondering what does a deck need to be a viable deck, also what are some good generic cards for what the deck needs. Another helpful thing to know what not to put in a deck.

P.S. What are some good cards for side decks?

descriptionHow to make an effective deck? EmptyDefault Title

well chip I think the most important question is what is your style of playing.

descriptionHow to make an effective deck? EmptyRe: How to make an effective deck?

What Rex said is right you need to know that first before building anything.

descriptionHow to make an effective deck? EmptyDefault Title

well I've apparently been know for beaters and defending my cards if thats a style xD

EDIT: I liked the idea of the Fortune deck I had which was get my dark out and just kinda get her to max lvl and beat the opponent. While wiping out the opponents big guys, and preventing dark from dying. And by keeping her alive I could SS other fortunes for drawing, destroying, more beatings, ect. But that was an idea, and I couldn't execute it at all.

I also like my Harpie deck although it's not very strong anymore imo.  

So I guess quick summons and filling up the field and not letting any of them die.

descriptionHow to make an effective deck? EmptyRe: How to make an effective deck?

This will help you http://www.duelacademy.net/t18255-choosing-a-deck

Fortunately I didn't accidentally looked at mim's articles so I didn't feel.

descriptionHow to make an effective deck? EmptyRe: How to make an effective deck?

Okey thanks Cent ^.^

descriptionHow to make an effective deck? EmptyRe: How to make an effective deck?

Screw mimgrim,read Neko!

descriptionHow to make an effective deck? EmptyRe: How to make an effective deck?

Was going to find that but too lazy.

descriptionHow to make an effective deck? EmptyRe: How to make an effective deck?

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