First, this is a talk, not an article, so I have every rights to share my opinions.

Second, I want to make sure that everyone of you have already read THE NEW BANLIST

Okay, now let's get straight to the point. In this format, everything is good except Dragon Ravine being banned. Konami must have wanted to nerf Dragon Ruler's harshly but they're still out there, playing with "Mythic Tree Dragon" and "Mythic Water Dragon". This action is pretty stupid because it totally killed Dragunity's for nothing. Maybe Dragun Ruler's are just that, overpowered? Banning "Sixth Sense" is also one part of getting rid of them, along with "Return from a Different Dimension" and limiting "Debris Dragon", "Sacred Sword of Seven Stars", all Dragon Ruler's.

About "Magician of Faith" is back at 1. It's not good enough but we can abuse Spell Cards again. There are tons of ways to play it with "Book of Moon", but since I'm too lazy I won't show an example.

"Divine Wind of Mist Valley"? Now we can't use the combo with "Harpie Dancer" and "Genex Ally Birdman" easily. That's a sad news.

With "Final Countdown" being limited, there will be no more troll Final Countdown deck to be used in rated duels in Online Dueling System. This makes me feel good.

"Chaos Sorcerer" at 2 :cheers:Looks like the dream just became true. Prepare for more Chaos decks.

What I notice the most is "Fire Formation - Tenki". I was like "Fuck yeah". With this, we will get back 4-axis Fire Fist's deck but no 3-axis because "Brotherhood of Fire Fist - Spirit" is still being limited but that's just one deck. It also boosts Fire King's, Gladiator Beast's, CONSTELLAR'S (YES) and also BUJIN'S (DOUBLE YES. MORE YAMATO'S FOR ME), etc,...Naito will love this.

They also released "Constellar Ptolemy M7". Maybe they think it doesn't do much since people only run 1-2 of it. Meh, not gonna talk about this.

Agent's will be dominating again? Or is it just my thoughts but with "Archlord Kristya" at 3.

jjh927: "3 mezuki, 3 plague, 3 tour guide, 3 striker, 1 magician of faith AND STILL NO REBORN OR HEAVY! HELL YEAH! ZOMBIES HAVE 6 REBORNS AND STAPLES HAVE NONE! THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE SHALL COME!".

Oh shit I became lazy and don't want to write anymore so I quoted.

Anyhow Happy New Year guys :D

[TCG Talk] Happy New Year Or Happy New Format? 1487368_390706704398152_1359910463_n