I wanted to get some insight from you all as to what cards do you expect to see side decked often this upcoming TCG format... And perhaps reasons as to why you conclude this... What cards will you side deck as well...

I'll start this off by naming a few cards I will probably side deck to battle the new Meta...

This will probably go without saying, but Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror is one I think will see much play in the near future... Playing on DN and YGOPro, I've seen Tele-DAD, Zombies, and Blackwings run rampant as anything, and with no heavy storm to worry about, as well as a limit on many of the anti-monster staples, these decks will see MUCH more play then they have in the past... Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror will serve as a HUGE hindrance on these decks to prevent many of the monster effects that these decks thrive on...

A card I'm seeing side-decked (and to some extent, Main-Decked quite a bit) is Effect Veiler, and for good reason... With the limiting of many of the staple traps that destroyed the set-up of the opponent, it's now come to stopping the effects that get these engines going... I personally know how frustrating it is to have your move stopped in it's tracks, then you sit there without much to do afterward... So my answer to this (and other hand-traps)... Mind Crush (D.D. Designator works as well)... What better than to name the card you don't want stopping your plans and seeing the opponent get flustered in the process as they lose what is possibly their sure way of stopping you... And with the amount of searching that will transpire with TK-Rai Oh out of the picture pretty much, you can even call the card they just searched for and BAM... Profit...

Skill Drain... I can't even express how much this card will possibly dominate this format... this puts quite the damper on many plans that duelist have, though this isn't quite the answer to Dragon Rulers, as they will then remain on the field when special summoned (though the next few cards I mention might help against that)... But for many other decks, this will surely slow your opponent down...

Necrovalley/The End of Anubis... I must say, if any card will cripple decks now, it's these two... Many decks still rely on grave usage (Dragon Rulers included) and to deny effects that target or activate in the grave definitely causes rage moments... Watch opponents become annoyed with you when you slap one (if not both) of these on the field, and just laugh...

Trap Hole/Forced Back... These two cards, I feel, are highly underrated, and with many effects requiring a monster to already be present on the field, unless the deck is a special summoning machine (easily shut down with cards like Fossil Dyna), Trap Hole/Forced Back can definitely thwart plans by stopping their one normal summon for the turn...

I'm certain not all of you will agree with the cards I mentioned, and there are definitely more cards that will see play (Like 'Droll and Lock Bird', to screw over hand advantage)... I just want your take on this new Meta... What do you plan to use to stop your opponent...