i just realized this isnt posted, and figured i needed to put it out there.
the combo is simple really. you need to have a special summoning card for battery man AA (batteryman micro cell ON YOUR TURN ONLY NOT IF HES FLIPPED BY BATTLE, batterycharger, portable pattry pack, call of the haunted, etc), short circuit, and inferno reckless summon while your opponent has a faceup monster.
1. special summon batteryman AA
2. chain inferno reckless summon
3. use short circuit
your opponent will have no cards on the field and youll have 3 3000 atk monsters. inless you opponent has gorz or trageodia its GG.
the combo is simple really. you need to have a special summoning card for battery man AA (batteryman micro cell ON YOUR TURN ONLY NOT IF HES FLIPPED BY BATTLE, batterycharger, portable pattry pack, call of the haunted, etc), short circuit, and inferno reckless summon while your opponent has a faceup monster.
1. special summon batteryman AA
2. chain inferno reckless summon
3. use short circuit
your opponent will have no cards on the field and youll have 3 3000 atk monsters. inless you opponent has gorz or trageodia its GG.