Half or Nothing Trick
Set cards: Urgent Tuning, Half or Nothing
Monster: Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
Hand: Blackwing - Kalut the Moonshadow, Delta Crow - Anti Reverse, Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
Opponent Field: a few set cards, and 1 monster with less than 6400 Atk, but with more than 3600
Opponent Attacks Shura, activate Half or Nothing (opponent chooses Half) the effect of 1 Blackwing - Kalut the Moonshadow from your hand activates (Discard during the Damage Step, target Blackwing gains 1400 ATK until the End Phase) and special summon any Blackwing you can from your deck in ATK (preferably Kalut), opponent Main Phase 2, summons an 1800 or 1900 attack Monster and Ends.
Your Turn: Summon Gale, activate Delta Crow - Anti Reverse to destroy facedowns, Gale halfs the opponen'ts monster, Shura attacks, Special Summons any card you can, Direct Attack with all. If that isn't game, Synchro a few times and end.
Yes, you can actually do that in real life. My opponent was so mad :D
Use Vayu to tune on the field
When the effect of Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame activates, Special Summon Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor. Its effect is negated because it was Special Summoned with the effect of Shura, so you can now use it to tune on the field and in the Graveyard.