Ok ... First of all, this build honestly, makes me kinda sick to the stomach if I'm being totally honest ... it's almost like you just went 'oh, that looks cool, and that looks cool' and just threw them in, without any sort of theory or rationale behind doing so. Or thoughts on the ratios, if I'm to be totally honest. Yes, I'm aware Kozmos have an allowance for "personal preference" as does every deck, but you have to be aware that merely comes down to "techs" and other ratios. Now, for my problems with this deck I'll break down each card choice 1 by 1, and give opinions;
-2 Dark Eclipser ... Why, just why? You only need 1. Sure, it's alright against trap.deks, but otherwise, it's another untargetable ship and searches when it dies.
-2 Tincan ... ok, again, just why? This card is your BEST turn 1 opening play, going 1st in a deck that before Tincan, didn't really have a solid t1 play besides summon wickedwitch, pass. Yes, you can bring it out with E-Tele which thankfully, you run 3 of, but THIS CARD IS A 3 OF. And I'll get to another reason why this card is kinda good and a 3-of later on.
-2 Strawman. Ok, so this is actually surprisingly, considering my thoughts a "personal perference" choice. For me, it's a dead card in the early game, and really only shines once you have your engine rolling, which is why I run 1 myself, but you can run 2 if you wish.
-0 Goodwitch. You have to be kidding me, right? Plz tell me that this is just an oversight on my part, and that you actually do run at least 1 Goodwitch? looks at list again Wait, what? It's NOT an oversight on my part, and you DON'T run Goodwitch ... ok, I don't think you understand that Goodwitch is a way to "bait out" certain cards and is your main out to cards like Rafflesia. It's also another pilot/psychic if nothing else, and is more than deserving of a spot or even 2 in the main.
-2 Wickedwitch. Ok, so, I did say this used to be your best opening turn play when you had to go 1st in previous times, and its prevent destruction effect is actually pretty nifty, which can justify to a certain extent it being a 2 of, but, again, this is just my personal opinion, it's a 1-of imo. Card's still good, but dies to stormforth, and besides being a 'stall for time' which is fine, and it's neat in the mirror too, if you wanna stop crashing ships card at the cost of 1k, it doesn't do much else but be a pilot.
-3 Farmgirl. She WAS the heart of this deck, and a fantastic card, do not get me wrong there. BUT she's not a good enough t1 card when you wanna go 1st a lot of the time for me to justify running 3 of her any more. And I absolutely love her to bits. Her best ratio now, is 2 of, as she is still a damn good card and your main searcher, but yea, 3 isn't needed any more with the new support.
-3 DD. One of the few things you got right with this list tbh. Good job on that, I guess. Not much more to say on that.
-1 DOG. Whilst I don't think the card is all that great honestly, as you are running the reasoning build, it's fine, I suppose ... plus, its tokens can be useful, and it can be a good step on the ladder instead of Sliprider in certain situations, The tokens can be neat too. So, eh.
-2 ForeRunner. Whilst, yes, it's an untargetable ship and heals you for 1k each of your turns, it's really not needed at any more than 1 any more, with the new support. And with some of my problems with your deck, it's a change that I would most definitely make.
-2 SlipRider. So, it's another 'MST' and can even pop town and get a search if you need it, plus it can make Cyber Dragon Infinity a damn good card, and yes, I know you said you don't go into the extra much, but it should be in there. Oh, and did I mention that it can break scales v PePe and interrupt their pendulum plays ... yea, it's a 3-of imo. Too much of a ultility card to be run at any less imo.
-1 Soartroopers. Ok, so if you're gonna run this card, it's either 2-3 or 0. 1 is just not enough. It revives pilots that somehow went to the grave via tincan 'searching' and other means and actually gives access to r3's + additional plays if you wish. Plus, with your list, it is your own means of revival ... at all.
-Allure. Ok, so yea, I know about its interaction with Town, and it can be a consistency booster, but honestly; It's gone the way of Juragedo and Honest. You really don't need to use it anymore, especially in the post-Bosh days. But, I digress. It's a personal preference choice again, I guess.
-3 E-Tele. Yay, another thing you got right, but this is actually one of the most obvious thing ... run 3 E-Tele.
-3 Kozmotown. Again, another obvious thing, but you got this right too. Here, have a cookie hands you a virtual cookie
-Upstart. I mean, 37 cards is nice and whatnot, but that's only if you don't have legitimate options that advance your gamestate or help the deck's plays along that you can put in its place. Consistency is good, but I don't feel as if you need upstart right now in this deck. Especially after the changes, which I'll get to later
-3 reasoning. Ok, now this is most definitely "personal perference", but you're giving up handtraps and their ultility in the metagame, for a card that is based off luck. Don't get me wrong, reasoning is actually not too bad in this deck and the dude who came 2nd at Prague ran it, but I'm not that big a fan of it personally. run it if you so desire.
-Twin Twisters. Hate to break it to you, but with your build, I can not recommend you run this card. Why? Because your only legitimate means of revival is 1 soartroopers, and well, that's far from enough to justify running it. Yes, Eclipser can banish graved Kozmos and you can get them back that way, but the meta isn't full enough of traps to where that is a viable strategy. I'm aware Twin Twisters is a good card, but that's not the point here. you do not have enough to make me say that the discard is worth it in the build.
-Your traps. I'll lump this in together, but the line up is fairly standard, which is somewhat of a good thing, I guess lol. Kozmojo is a good card and worth the spots it takes up, as are the Solemn brigade. But, you're lacking in that regard, which if you remember, I have alluded to in regards to Tincan and Soartroopers as well as with Twin Twisters. That being ... WHY ARE YOU NOT RUNNING CALL OF THE HAUNTED? The card is actually legit in the deck, especially when you combo it with Tincan. Heck, it can even be play disruption on the opponents turn, with Destroyer and Sliprider being able to pop monsters/backrow and hinder your opponent's plays. Plus, CotH helps make the discard for Twisters more managable. Heck, Oasis of the dragon souls is legit too and a way to prevent System down/Chimeratach, as it makes the revived monster a wyrm.
So, now for the changes;
-1 Dark Eclipser
-1 ForeRunner
-1 Farmgirl
-1 Wickedwitch
-1 Strawman
-3 Upstart
+1 Goodwitch
+1 Tincan
+1 Soartroopers
+1 Sliprider
+3 call of the haunted
+1 oasis of the dragon souls
+1 Solemn strike