Hey, Dark, welcome to DA. I hope you like it here.
About your questions: We do have a Ranking System, basically everyone start from the bottom and work their way up to higher dorms. We have an event called "DA's League" If you could get enough points in one season you can rank-up to higher dorm, like Ra Yellow or Obelisk Blue. It's all mentioned in the guide in details.
For Dueling Courses: We have different sections if that's what you mean, each serves a different purpose. Aside from the Discussions section, there is the "Pimp my Deck", "Card Questions/Rulings Questions", also Articles and Lessons - the latter isn't that much active because we lack people with experience in writing articles, but we do publish a few once in a while.
If you'd like there is two tournaments where you can sign-up to. Nothing more sufficient in this game than playing against other players and gaining more experience.