1. Create a topic in Pro Decklists section.
2. Name the topic with the following template without using any colors: "Gravekeeper's Temple [by Amy Kool]"
3. In the description write the full format with the following template: "Advanced TCG March 2013"
4. Now copy the link of their deck image from their Deck Signup topic and go to your post text editor. There you will see "Host an Image" option, the image wit diskette on it. Press it and then choose URL option of upload and paste that link of image. Down, select resizing to "320px (for blogs)". Then click upload and you will get the link of your hosted image on our server.
5. Here is the deck template:


[table id="prodecklisthiddenarea"][tr][td]This deck was created by Duel Academy professionals. You are free to use it as long as you give credit to us.[/td][/tr][/table][table id="fancytableinpost1" cellspacing="0"][tr][td][table id="fancytableinpost2" cellspacing="0"][tr][td colspan="2"][table id="fancytableinpost7"][tr][td][center]8-AXIS DARK WORLD[/center][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][tr][td id="fancytabletdheader2" valign="top"][img]http://i37.servimg.com/u/f37/14/28/32/87/grapha10.png[/img][/td][td id="fancytabletdheader1" valign="top"][table width="100%"][tr][td][table class="fancytabledeck1"][tr][td valign="top"][table id="fancytableinpost8"][tr][td]FORMAT: Advanced TCG March 2013
[color=#ff9933]CREATED BY: Placido[/color][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][tr][td id="fancytableinpost9"][justify]You remember Dark Worlds? Yeah, you should remember them, they have once ruled over the world! This is the Dark World build that wrecks the current meta. It has been tested against all the current top tier decks and it has been doing very well.[/justify][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][table id="fancytableinpost4"][tr][td class="fancytabledecktd"][table class="fancytabledeck1"][tr][td width="50%" valign="top"][table id="fancytableinpost6"][tr][td]MAIN DECK [40][/td][/tr][/table]
[i][b][color=#cc6633]Monsters [14][/color][/b][/i]
2 Beige, Vanguard of Dark world
3 Snoww, Unlight of Dark world
3 Broww, Huntsman of Dark world
3 Grapha, Dragon lord of Dark world
3 Malefic Stardust Dragon

[i][b][color=#339966]Spells [21][/color][/b][/i]
2 Advance draw
1 Allure of darkness
1 Card Destruction
1 Dark hole
3 Dark world Dealings
3 Dragged down into the grave
1 Monster reborn
3 The Gates of dark world
3 Trade-in
3 Upstart goblin

[i][b][color=#cc6699]Traps [6][/color][/b][/i]
2 Eradicator Epidemic Virus
2 Mind Crush
2 Skill drain[/td]
[td class="fancytabledecktd"][table class="fancytabledeck1"][tr][td width="50%" valign="top"][table id="fancytableinpost6"][tr][td]EXTRA DECK [15][/td]
3 Stardust Dragon
1 Coach King Giantrainer
1 Evilswarm Nightmare
1 Gagaga Cowboy
2 Hieratic sun dragon overlord of Heliopolis
1 Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
1 Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon
1 Number 15: Gimmick Puppet - Giant killer
3 Number 22: Zombiestien
1 Number 40: Gimmick Puppet of Strings

[table id="fancytableinpost6"][tr][td]SIDE DECK [15][/td]
2 Chaos hunter
2 Sillva, Warlord of Dark world
2 Poisonous winds
3 Dark Deal
2 Deck Devastation Virus
1 Eradicator Epidemic Virus
3 Vanity's Emptiness

[table id="fancytableinpost6"][tr][td]DECK SCREENSHOT[/td]
[/table][/td][/tr][tr][td class="fancytabledecktd" colspan="2"][table class="fancytabledeck1"][tr][td valign="top"][table id="fancytableinpost6"][tr][td]DECK INFOS[/td]
[justify]So let's start with how the deck wo.... wait lol, The deck is self explanatory, just keep discarding and drawing ;p

Anyhow, Let's move on with how the deck wrecks the current meta...Let's go firstly with Spellbooks: The deck idea is about drawing your whole deck..even in your first turn which means you would probably get into atleast one single copy of EEV which is usable with MSD/Grapha and thus it is a win condition ;p with 3k beaters that can be recycled everytime you feel like it, it is clearly a win condition against prophecy.

Let's move to Dragon rulers: The skill drains main decked is an instant win for you against dragon rulers, obviously backed up with atleast a one single copy of zombiestien for a plan B, and with the EEVs i got mained, i can just call spells and the opponent's heavy storm is dead now, and lets say he has blaster, i main decked Mind crush for that and the spellbook matchup too....

And for Verz, it is self explanatory too, just Grapha/Skill drain ophion which is easy ;p

anyhow, let's go to side-deck techs and stuff:
2 Chaos hunter --> i side this cause 1, He is a fiend. 2, He wrecks Dragon rulers if they start first and you open with him, Same as Spellbooks.
2 Sillva --> Mirror matches
2 Poisonous winds --> Dragunities
3 Dark Deal --> 1, Mirror matches. 2, Spellbooks
2 Deck Devastation virus --> Mermails and Dragunities
1 Eradicator Epidemic Virus --> More spellbook And mirror match hate
3 Vanity's Emptiness --> Dragon rulers matchup[/justify][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table]

In it you will edit all these parts with your new content but making sure you post everything same like this. This means, 1x Monster Reborn is not acceptable only 1 Monster Reborn or Monsters (20) is not acceptable but Monsters [20]. Everything has to be exactly like I did it in that code. Please make sure you edit all the details and don't forget anything. When you take their screenshot picture, you will see that we always post the thumbnail same, but url of image different:



So as I said, you change the URL part not the IMG part here lol.

6. Now to the posting itself. When you edit everything, you need to edit it in your PC, not in this editor. This editor adds space between bbcodes so the table will look like you added enter after each line lol. Best option is to download Notepad++ and edit it there and keep a saved copy somewhere in your PC always. Do not preview the topic or so, it will again add the space lol. You can only straightly copy paste from your pc to editor and post it without preview. If you need to edit the topic later on, again you edit in your PC without spaces and paste it. We have to do it like this until I find a better solution aka automatize the process. It is not such a big deal, you can also remove spaces manually each time with editing, if you want to spend more time doing it lol.

7. Now to the topic icons. After being accepted, you edit their topic in Deck Signup from In Progress to Denied or Accepted and lock it to save us complaints or comments of any nature. We want comments in Pro Decklists, not in sign up phase. In staff section it is advised to put also denied or accepted and lock so we know its done.

That is it for now.