Honestly, Constellars work great at 60 cards, as opposed to most other decks. Expand it a little, add some generic XYZ support and definately more Constellars. Your deck looks like the "Tribute Summon? What's that?" Constellar deck. Add more Level 5 Constellar Monsters. The Level 5's have their own XYZ in the archetype. Why do you have cards like Reinforcements, Big Bang Shot, Banisher of the Light and Card Trader? In my opinion, those are taking up room your XYZ support could have, if you do not expand the deck. Constellars are meant to XYZ instantly, so you don't really need to protect them if you have the right ones. Tutoring from Hand/Deck to field is their way to play, and there's one, when you summon it, you can tribute it to summon any other one from the graveyard (or hand? dont quote me on that, i havent used them consistently in a while.)