I made this deck because i love Yubel Terror Incarnate's Bomb effect, but his bombing comes at a serious cost. I figured out how to make his cost a plus for you, and a minus for the opponent.
Monsters: 23
Armageddon knight: 2x
Dark Grepher: 2x
Hushed Psychic Cleric: 1x
Junk Synchron: 3x
Krebons: 2x
Mask of Darkness: 1x
Morphing Jar:1x
Psychic Commander:2x
Serene Psychic Witch:2x
Synchro Fusionist:1x
Time Escaper:1x
Yubel-Terror Incarnate:2x
Yubel- Ultimate Nightmare:1x
Spells: 9
Dark Hole:1x
Emergency Transport:2x
Heavy Storm:1x
Miracle Synchro Fusion:2x
Mystical Space Typhoon:2x
Reinforcement of the Army:1x
Call of the Haunted:2x
Limit Reverse:3x
Psychic Trigger:1x
Torrential Tribute:2x
Extra Deck:15
Supreme Arcanite Magician:1x
Ultimate Axon Kicker: 2x
Magical Android: 2x
T.G. Librarian:1x
The Rest is up to you to decide
The main focus of this deck is to get Yubel-Terror Incarnate out as fast as possible by using grepher/knight to get it in the grave and revive the first yubel with limit reverse, then destroy during your turn by changing it to defense, or by letting your opponent destroy call of the haunted for you and chain the yubel summon to it.
After Terror incarnate has been summoned its best to summon Ultimate Axon Kicker, as he cant be destroyed by Yubel's effect. It shouldnt be to hard to summon him since you should have junk synchron and synchro fusionist at your desposal.
Problems I ran into:
I always had too many yubel's into my hand, so i added 2 grephers in order to help dump them in the grave and search for either the first yubel or synchro fusionist.
Rate and Comment; Tell me how i can make this better
Monsters: 23
Armageddon knight: 2x
Dark Grepher: 2x
Hushed Psychic Cleric: 1x
Junk Synchron: 3x
Krebons: 2x
Mask of Darkness: 1x
Morphing Jar:1x
Psychic Commander:2x
Serene Psychic Witch:2x
Synchro Fusionist:1x
Time Escaper:1x
Yubel-Terror Incarnate:2x
Yubel- Ultimate Nightmare:1x
Spells: 9
Dark Hole:1x
Emergency Transport:2x
Heavy Storm:1x
Miracle Synchro Fusion:2x
Mystical Space Typhoon:2x
Reinforcement of the Army:1x
Call of the Haunted:2x
Limit Reverse:3x
Psychic Trigger:1x
Torrential Tribute:2x
Extra Deck:15
Supreme Arcanite Magician:1x
Ultimate Axon Kicker: 2x
Magical Android: 2x
T.G. Librarian:1x
The Rest is up to you to decide
The main focus of this deck is to get Yubel-Terror Incarnate out as fast as possible by using grepher/knight to get it in the grave and revive the first yubel with limit reverse, then destroy during your turn by changing it to defense, or by letting your opponent destroy call of the haunted for you and chain the yubel summon to it.
After Terror incarnate has been summoned its best to summon Ultimate Axon Kicker, as he cant be destroyed by Yubel's effect. It shouldnt be to hard to summon him since you should have junk synchron and synchro fusionist at your desposal.
Problems I ran into:
I always had too many yubel's into my hand, so i added 2 grephers in order to help dump them in the grave and search for either the first yubel or synchro fusionist.
Rate and Comment; Tell me how i can make this better