Welcome to Evil Jaden's Shop
this shop has been approved by Itachi the Criminal
No Porny picture providing is allowed
One simple rule...follow it or pay the ultimate price
I decided to open ashop for graphic materials (avatars..signatures only)
Before requesting you must follow the following format:
Name:Evil Jaden (type the name you want to be on signature)
Name on:signature (It's up to you for name to be on sig,ava,both or none)
Type:Signature (You may ask for signature,avatar or both)
Size:375 x 135 (size mustn't be less than 350x125 and mustn't be bigger than 400x300)for avatar size mustn't exceed 140x140 due to forum's rules
Characters:Evil Jaden from Yu-Gi-Oh GX Season 3!!or it's better to provide me with the render from planetrenders.net http://www.planetrenders.net...please don't provide me with an uncomplete render or arender with LOW QUALITY as the better quality it's the better the signature will be
Picture:Provide me with picture you want to be in signature or avatar (maximum two pictures for asignature and one for avatar)
Text:Evil Webmaster
Other:Make it red please (You may write any additional things you want to have on the signature or avatar)
100 Credits for signature
20 Credits for avatar
Additional Notes:
-Maximum time for making asignature is aweek (sometimes i'm busy in real life)
-Signatures or avatars can't be denied...maybe edited but not denied
Samples of my Work: